Reality Cloud Studio is optimized for a complete end-to-end hardware to software workflow for compatible Leica BLK sensors.
In BLK Live Apps or in Cyclone FIELD 360, simply press the “Upload” button and your dataset will automatically upload, ready for auto-registration, auto-mesh, and vivid visualization.
Desktop to Cloud
Drag-and-drop. Process data through Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS and upload to Reality Cloud Studio in multiple standard formats.
Cloud to Desktop
Reality Cloud Studio offers a round-trip workflow from the cloud into desktop software for streaming point clouds to Cyclone 3DR for analysis.
Cloud to Deliverable
Export data from Reality Cloud Studio in standard formats. Import data into your deliverable creation desktop software of choice.
Cloud to Deliverable
Export data from Reality Cloud Studio in standard formats. Import data into your deliverable creation desktop software of choice.